Ракавици S-tech долги
  • Ракавици S-tech долги
  • Ракавици S-tech долги
  • Ракавици S-tech долги

Ракавици S-tech долги

2.900 ден.
без ДДВ: 2.458 ден.
Производител: S-tech
Шифра на производ: S-tech Leather
Достапност (кол. на залиха): На залиха

Расположливи опции

* Големини:

A sports glove entry-level, light and of excellent quality for the rider who wants a solid protection of the knuckles and reinforcements on strategic areas for unparalleled security. The graphics in relief, the cuff stretched and curved fingers, making this glove the undisputed champion in its class.


Technical data sheet:

  • Racing glove in soft cowhide
  • external protection on the knuckles and shock absorber
  • Lining with an anti-shock gradual release
  • Leather reinforcements on areas of maximum wear of the palm
  • An anti-shock protection scaphoid gradual release
  • External seams
  • Carbon protections on knuckles
  • Air vents on the fingers for a good microclimate inside
  • Racing buckle with velcro

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