Визир универзапен 927 затемнет GP Kompozit

Визир универзапен 927 затемнет GP Kompozit

4.500 ден.
без ДДВ: 3.814 ден.
Производител: GP Kompozit
Шифра на производ: GP200927
Достапност (кол. на залиха): На залиха
Width : 72 cm
Length : 59 cm
Thickness: 4 mm


Package Content:
4 pieces of M6 stamps
4 Pieces M5 Gas
4 pieces of M5 nut
4 Pieces Medium Size gasket
4 pieces 5x20 stamp headlines
2 Pieces M8 stamp
2 pieces of M8 nut
2 Horoscopes
2 Piece 8x70 Switch Head Bolt


GP Kompozit windshield allows you to drive a comfortable driving against the wind. In addition, all kinds of (flies, stone, shed, dust), etc. to prevent driving. It is an accessory that allows you to make a safer driving by preventing it from multiplying objects such as. Flexible material is resistant to scratching, breaking and (UV) sunlight.

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